The Green Party

MidSussex & Crawley

Summer 2024

Join the growing movement of people in the MidSussex & Crawley Green Party demanding action on climate change. We’ll let you know what’s going on locally to you, and how you can get involved today in

Mid Sussex or Crawley

Differently TW

After the 2024 Election: What Next? … by Deanna Nicholson

It is a relief that my sitting MP is no longer Tory after 29 years of living in the Mid Sussex constituency. This election was always going to be interesting due to the new boundaries and the country-wide push for tactical voting. We could see that in the swing to Lib Dems, as most tactical […]

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GE2024: The Urgent Need for UK to begin Transition towards a Plant-Based Food System

As we approach the UK 2024 general election, the nation faces an increasingly urgent food security crisis that demands immediate action: a crisis is not discussed by establishment Politicians nor the mainstream media. The impacts of climate change are accelerating; global crop yields projected to decrease by an alarming 30% by 2050. However, a new […]

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GE2024: Iain – Our Candidate for Crawley

Hello, my name is Iain Dickson. I am standing as the Green Party candidate in the General election for Crawley. I have lived in Crawley for over 37 years and campaigned on many issues for over 4 years. I am a Green Socialist. I believe in people and the community. We urgently need to tackle […]

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GE2024: Deanna – Our Candidate for MidSussex

As a resident of Mid Sussex for 30 years and a teacher in local schools and colleges, I have seen firsthand the damaging effects of education reforms and the critical underfunding of youth mental health services. With a science background, I am committed to tackling climate change through evidence-based solutions like active transport and sustainable […]

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MidSussex – vote with conviction for a sustainable future!

Dear potential Green Party voter in Mid Sussex, Tactical voting may seem like a good idea, but it ultimately undermines the very principles of democracy. When voters feel compelled to choose a candidate they don’t fully support just to prevent another from winning, it means the electoral system is failing to represent the true will […]

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Clean campaigning

Vote against the porky pies Here at Mid Sussex Greens we are seeing quite a lot of hostile negative campaigning against us in Conservative leaflets.  The claims are clearly and outrageously false, but some people may behoodwinked into believing them. We’ve put together a Fact Checker where we look at these porky pies and give […]

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Allotments at Chanctonbury Road Burgess Hill

The Public Consultation of the Draft District Plan (Regulation 18) took place before Christmas. The unnecessary threat to the Chanctonbury Road allotments has infuriated many. The allotments were slipped into the Burgess Hill Station site DPH7 in the Draft District Plan 2021-2039 at the last minute. Cllr. Anne Eves says, “It is outrageous that MSDC would consider […]

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Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill


Report by Green Councillor Paul Brown. The Private Members Bill by Green Party MP Caroline Lucas calls for, far-reaching Government action to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. The Bill calls for: * A serious plan to deal with the UK’s fair share of emissions and to halt critical rises in global temperatures. * Our […]

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We Need Clair Hall!

Vaccination centre comes into its own report by Deanna Nicholson The abrupt decision to close Clair Hall without consultation caused widespread dismay. Just when we needed a bigger venue to enable social distancing, it was taken away. The blood-donor service has nowhere to go and many other groups who met there regularly have been displaced. […]

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Haywards Heath Town Centre Masterplan Fiasco

The Master Plan is not fit for purpose. Report by cllr Paul Brown. Green Party campaigners are not satisfied that the Haywards Heath Town Centre Master Plan does enough for local residents. The plan should be bolder on tackling climate change to reduce greenhouse gases. Low-traffic neighbourhoods are needed to cut air pollution to protect […]

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Action on climate change

Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.

Social Justice

Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.

Our community

Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.