The Crawley Green Party are the local group for the area of Crawley town and everywhere inside its boundaries. Having had Green candidates in Crawley as far back as Mark Wilson in 1992, the local Greens have gone from strength to strength since around 2010.
Guy Hudson in 2015, was the first Green in the area to receive over 1,000 votes Surpassing all previous records at the time including Wilson’s 766 back in 1992.
In the following couple of years RIchard Kail led the Crawley Greens through local and county elections in 2016, and 2017, fielding a full slate of Green candidates in the latter.
In the snap 2017 general election, prospective Green candidate 22 year old Richard Kail negotiated with the local Labour Party and stood aside to help oust the Conservatives. Labour got within 2,500 votes of the Tories, nearly vindicating Kail’s decision to step aside.
By 2019, relations with the red side of Crawley politics had deteriorated, but even so, Kail led negotiations alongside then parliamentary candidate Iain Dickson (pictured above), with Labour but no agreement could be found and Iain’s team contested the election reaching yet another new high for the Greens, 1,451 votes.
The Greens are now stronger than ever in Crawley and will be contesting the 2021 borough and county elections with a strong field of candidates standing for both.
Big current local issues in Crawley include:
The extensive destruction of Greenfield land at west of Ifield and other sites across the western part of the town.
The Three Bridges Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and poor air quality across the town, which has only got worse over the last few years.
The Green Recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, including its economic effect on Crawley through the air travel trades and more.
To find out more about how our target candiates, Iain Dickson and Sally-Claire Fadelle plan to drive Crawley forward if elected, please check out our online leaflet: http://bit.ly/CrawleyGreenParty
If you live in Crawley, and want to contact our local team or would like to get involved, please contact us
Facebook: @CrawleyGreens