HH Ashenground – Richard Kail

Richard Kail

“I am honoured and proud to have been nominated as the Green Party candidate for Haywards Heath Ashenground! Having moved here officially earlier this year, after spending much of the last 7 years regularly visiting Haywards Heath, I’m acutely aware of the needs and wants held in the area.
I’m excited to get the chance to start work on solidifying Haywards Heath’s position as the pride of Mid Sussex, and helping bring about a cleaner, greener, Haywards Heath.

If elected I’ll make it clear that any changes to Clair Hall should be in line with maintaining its status as a home of the arts. Every thriving town and city should have access to arts venues including theatres and performance halls. So I’m happy to put my weight behind the local movements to save Clair Hall.

I will be putting the local natural world at the heart of my decisions and will always endeavour to make sure the environment is a major consideration and that the aims of net zero are always in the mind of local government.

I will work strongly with other elected Greens in continuing the hard work we’ve seen on Mid Sussex District Council over the last 4 years, and hope other parties will share our aims to enhance the lives of everyone in our area, older or younger, all identities and all lives.”

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