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GE2024: The Urgent Need for UK to begin Transition towards a Plant-Based Food System

As we approach the UK 2024 general election, the nation faces an increasingly urgent food security crisis that demands immediate action: a crisis is not discussed by establishment Politicians nor the mainstream media. The impacts of climate change are accelerating; global crop yields projected to decrease by an alarming 30% by 2050. However, a new […]

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GE2024: Deanna – Our Candidate for MidSussex

As a resident of Mid Sussex for 30 years and a teacher in local schools and colleges, I have seen firsthand the damaging effects of education reforms and the critical underfunding of youth mental health services. With a science background, I am committed to tackling climate change through evidence-based solutions like active transport and sustainable […]

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MidSussex – vote with conviction for a sustainable future!

Dear potential Green Party voter in Mid Sussex, Tactical voting may seem like a good idea, but it ultimately undermines the very principles of democracy. When voters feel compelled to choose a candidate they don’t fully support just to prevent another from winning, it means the electoral system is failing to represent the true will […]

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