May 5th 2022 - Crawley Borough Council
Our local Green Party is committed to contesting as many of these seats as possible.
Use your vote. If you are one of the 81% of people who think we are in a climate emergency, vote for these Green Party candidates and help us make a difference.
These Green Party candidates are ready and waiting to make the changes in our governance that we all know need to be made. But before this can happen we need your vote.
On 5th May please turnout and vote, and please Vote Green.
Crawley Borough Council Candidates
I work in the NHS and have lived in Crawley all my life.
I am representing the Green Party for Bewbush in the next local elections because we need voices in the council to speak up for the environmental and social policies that the party stands for.
More action is needed everywhere in the fight against climate change. Council help and initiatives for things that we can do locally is a great place to start.
We must invest in our children’s future through things like renewable energy schemes, affordable housing, strong infrastructure (e.g. public transport) and reducing our carbon footprint as much as we can.
Now more than ever, we need to look after each other and the planet we live on. The present council are not doing enough. It’s time for change.
Vote for Holly Smith, Green Party, in the Bewbush and North Broadfield local election on 5th May.
I have lived in Ifield for 26 years and am now moved to stand and become our Green councillor out of frustration at the standard of local amenities.
I would speak up at council and argue for us to provide free toilets at the shops, playgrounds for children, electric car charge points and helping to end the traffic misery along the Rusper Road. It is a bottleneck made worse by narrow pavements and it is unsafe at the junction with Tangmere. As it is the only road out of Ifield West it gets very busy and pedestrians and cyclists face frustrated drivers.
Without commitment from elected councillors this can only get worse, especially if more houses are built.
Vote for Ines Manning, Green Party on 5th May at the Ifield local election!
Iain is a long serving member of the Green Party and an even longer serving member of the Crawley community. Iain is also the Green Party prospective parliamentary candidate for Crawley and stood in the 2019 General election gaining Crawley Green’s best ever result!
Iain will:
* Heavily oppose the catastrophic West of Ifield development.
* Put forward a plan for a Crawley Economic Model, designed to help grow Crawley's economy utilising local businesses, organisations and citizens to bring Crawley out of the Covid-19 pandemic in a better position than when we went in.
* Oppose the building of a second runway at Gatwick Airport, and support local Trade unions in their campaign for a Green New Deal for Gatwick.
* Help kick-start a Local Exchange and Trading System, similar to systems seen in the past around Crawley, to help local residents work together and share their expertise with one another for mutual benefit. Helping those who have suffered most from the pandemic mentally and physically get the services they require without traditional cost.
Vote for Iain Dickson - Green Party, on 5th May at the Langley Green & Tushmore local election.
I have lived in Crawley for over 50 years, in Tilgate, Furnace Green, Pound Hill and now Maidenbower. My career, until 10 years ago, was focused on the Travel trade and around Gatwick Airport.
The COVID situation has highlighted Crawley's overdependence on the Airport. I will oppose any expansion plans for Gatwick and work to encourage and support financial investment and diversity within Crawley businesses towards green and sustainable business growth and jobs.
The environmental damage to people's health as a result of the Airport, the motorway and local road congestion has been hidden for too long.
I will support:
* Measures to reduce carbon emissions.
* The infrastructure for more EV charging points.
* More thoughtfully planned cycle lanes at pinch points.
Also, I will encourage:
* The Council to commit to a Net Zero Pledge by investment in its facilities.
* Joined-up thinking between doorstep waste collection and the work of recycling centres.
* Doorstep food waste collection.
* A review of the new facilities for booking visits to the Council Tip to prevent condoning fly-tipping.
I will oppose and expose:
* The reduction in expenditure on local Social & Community Services that people in need are dependent upon.
Vote for Max Perry - Green Party, on 5th May at the Maidenbower local election.
John is a retired teacher of History, Mathematics and Economics. His interests include gardening, dancing (Tilgate & Roffey), singing (Silver birch singers) alongside supporting Crawley Town FC.
If elected John would push for:
- City status so that Crawley would have more power to make its own decisions.
- Renew the fight for a hospital in northern Sussex with an accident & emergency and full maternity service.
- To build more houses (private and council) not solely flats.
- Ensure all parks are in great condition, fully staffed and that all children’s play areas are safe and supervised.
- Strengthen the police service to make Crawley’s streets safer.
Vote for John Atherton, Green Party on 5th May at the local elections in Northgate & West Green.
Cyril has lived and worked in Crawley now for over 50 years and has a vast history of campaigning in the town for many important causes. He joined the Green Party in 1987 after meeting Petra Kelly at Glastonbury Festival. He has been involved with environmental campaigns most of his adult life such as save the whales and stop the fur trade.
Cyril is a member of the RSPB, whale and dolphin conservation, Sussex wildlife trust, woodland trust, bumblebee conservation trust and amnesty international. He is a long-time gardener and alotmenteer.
A Green Party member since it was called the Ecology Party, Cyril has run in many elections and even received 8% of the vote in 2019, a record Green vote for the area and increasing this to 11% in 2021.
A proud and very active member of Crawley CND, Cyril has worked alongside many other local campaigners to make the world a safer and more peaceful place.
If elected, Cyril will fight for Pound Hill and Crawley residents on all fronts, including better funded and maintained services, more accountability, public engagement and representation at the council, stronger local public transport, safer cycling routes.
Cyril will provide a voice of reason and responsibility on the Council, helping make sure every decision has the climate emergency, the health and wellbeing of Crawley people at the heart of it.
Vote for Cyril Gambrell, Green Party in Pound Hill South and Worth at the Crawley local elections on 5th May.
Robin has long been an advocate for Green policies in the town, and worked hard in 2015 to help Guy Hudson's Crawley Green General election campaign. He has lived in Crawley since the 1970’s, He attended local comprehensive schools and Crawley college. With a career in IT, Robin has worked in various local travel companies supporting technology used by holiday makers. He is also a listening volunteer at the Crawley & Horsham Samaritans and has a keen interest in local health care services after working at Health Education England over the last year.
If elected in Southgate, Robin will champion Green policies in Crawley, like safe, social, liveable housing, saving our Green spaces, improving the town's air quality, and boosting local community led projects that will help the town re-find its identity and to tackle poverty.
Robin also has a vision for Crawley to boost its Green industry. As a town with one of the largest industrial estates outside London, and Gatwick Airport on its doorstep, Crawley is perfectly positioned to be a pioneer in Green industry and technology. Attracting Green minded business and tech to the town with a Crawley Economic Model and a Green New Deal, will boost our local economy and help shift our employment reliance away from only air travel, but into new areas too.
Crawley desperately needs new ways of maintaining high employment without relying on only Gatwick Airport, Robin believes that the Green Party has new ideas and new answers to that question.
Vote for Robin Fitton, Green Party in Southgate at the upcoming local elections on 5th May.
Danielle has lived with her young family in one of the most heavily polluted areas of Crawley for well over 10 years now.
Hazelwick Roundabout is located at the centre of Crawley's only AQMA (Air Quality Management Area). AQMAs are designed to highlight poor air quality in the worst areas, and then local authorities are supposed to bring in measures to improve in these areas.
The Hazelwick AQMA has been in place for 5 years, and instead of progress, we are seeing proposals from the council to extend it into Northgate and up to Three Bridges Station.
Danielle, if elected will fight for urgent action on the poor air quality in the area, which can and does effect lives of people young and old in Three Bridges.
Danielle is also a keen environmental activist, hoping to help make the world a liveable and sustainable place for the people of Crawley, the wildlife that we share our world with and her young family to grow up into.
Vote for Danielle Kail, Green Party on 5th May in the Three Bridges local elections.