If you support what we are doing, please consider making a donation. You can do that easily and simply by getting in touch (secretary@midsussex.greenparty.org.uk) and sending a cheque. Better still, set up a small monthly Standing Order using the details in this form
Councillors and volunteer members in MidSussex, Crawley and Horsham Green Party are hard at work all year round – scrutinising council policy, delivering leaflets, sweating over press releases and navigating crumbling basement staircases as they canvass for support in the forthcoming elections. And this is work that should produce results, but hard labour, great representatives, and policies to tackle climate change, social injustice and the drive to war are not enough – the Green Party campaign also needs cash to deliver its message effectively.
It costs £20 to print 100 glowing green window posters, £200 to print a ward newsletter, £1,000 to rent a shop for the election period.
We in the Green Party don’t have dodgy billionaire donors, we don’t take dirty money from grubby big businesses, we’re not in the pockets of media barons. But that means that we do have to ask our supporters and party members to dig deep, to contribute as much as you can.
Donations to the local party campaign fund can be made to:
Tridos bank –
Account name : Mid Sussex, Crawley and Horsham Green Party
Sort code: 16-58-10
Account number: 20734840