Get Involved

Democracy means participation and with that in mind there has never been a better time to get involved with the work of the Green Party.

Any help you give us, from a regular donation to work on the doorstep, will make a real difference to getting more Greens elected in MidSussex, Crawley and Horsham where we can create a fairer, cleaner, more affordable future for everyone.

The Green Party doesn’t accept funds from big business. We rely on our members and supporters to get our message across. The more members and supporters we have, the more the Green message can be heard and the greater our impact.

5 easy ways you can support our work 1. Vote Green and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Display a ‘Vote Green’ poster during the next election campaign.
2. Help deliver newsletters in your local area.
3. Sign up to our supporters’ e-mail list to get a monthly update from our campaign team, with information about our work and ways you can help.
4. Make a donation. Running an effective election campaign costs time and money, and we rely on the generosity of our members and supporters. You can make a donation online today.
5. Join the party. As a member, you can be as active as you like – from armchair and online support to standing as a candidate for election

We’re committed to keeping your email address safe, and won’t pass it on to anyone else.

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